IAR #82
Kingons / The Maxies "Split"

IAR #80
French Exit "Guts & Black Stuff"

IAR #79
Sunnyside "Welcome To San Diego"

IAR #78
Pool Party "Born Too Loose"

IAR #77
Zatopeks "About Bloody Time"

IAR #76
City Mouse / Weekend Dads "Split"

IAR #75
Up For Nothing "In Trance"

IAR #74
The Visitors "Yeti"

IAR #73
Mall'd To Death "More Than A Sinking Feeling"

IAR #72
Gateway District "Old Wild Hearts"

IAR #71
Crusades "Parables"

IAR #69
Mean Jeans / Underground Railroad To Candyland "Split"

IAR #68
Lipstick Homicide / The Turkletons "We're Gonna Need A Bigger Coat"

IAR #67
The Brokedowns / Vacation Bible School "Split"

IAR #66
The Dopamines "Vices"

IAR #65
The Manix "Neighborhood Wildlife"

IAR #64
Sass Dragons "New Kids On The Bong"

IAR #63
Weekend Dads "Weekend Dads"

IAR #62
City Mouse "City Mouse"

IAR #61
The Maxies "Greenland Is Melting"

IAR #60
The Copyrights "North Sentinel Island"

IAR #59
The Copyrights "Crutches"

IAR #58
The Maxies "Going Clubbin'"

IAR #57
Mall'd To Death "The Process Of Reaching Out"

IAR #56
Crusades "The Sun Is Down And The Night Is Riding In"

IAR #55
The Creeps "Lakeside Cabin"

IAR #52
Gateway District "Perfect's Gonna Fail"

IAR #51
The Steinways "Promise It''ll Never Happen Again"

IAR #49
Stoned At Heart "Party Tracks vol.1"

IAR #48
Chinese Telephones "Democracy"

IAR #47
The Spinoffs "Stayin' Alive"

IAR #46
The Creeps "Follow You Home"

IAR #45
That's Incredible "That's Incredible"

IAR #44
Fear Of Lipstick "Fear Of Lipstick"

IAR #43
Be My Doppelganger "No Composure"

IAR #42
The Varsity Weirdos "Can't Go Home"

IAR #41
House Boat "The Delaware Octopus"

IAR #40
Get Bent "Dead It"

IAR #39
Festipals "Gold Magic"

IAR #38
The Legendary San Diego Chargers / Sunnyside
"Give 'em Enough Booze"

IAR #37
The Methadones "Gary Glitter"

IAR #36
The Crumbs / The Ridicules "Split"

IAR #35
The Gateway District "Some Days You Get The Thunder"

IAR #34
The Copyrights / The Dopamines "Songs About Fucking Up"

IAR #32
Barrakuda McMurder "Slow Crawl"

IAR #30
The Dopamines / Till Plains "Split"

IAR #29
The Copyrights "We Didn't Come Here To Die"

IAR #28
Be My Doppelganger "Sonic Annihilation"

IAR #27
The Varsity Weirdos "High School Teen Party"

IAR #26
The Dazes / The Wimpys "Greetings From Japan"

IAR #25
The Dopamines "The Dopamines"

IAR #24
The Veterans "The Veterans"

IAR #23
The Copyrights "Make Sound"

IAR #22
Chinese Telephones "Chinese Telephones"

IAR #20
The Steinways "Unoriginal Recipe"

IAR #19
The Mugwumps "Do Time"

IAR #18
For Science "Way Out Of Control"

IAR #17
Chinese Telephones / Dear Landlord "Split"

IAR #16
Fear Of Lipstick "Indie Band"

IAR #15
The Children's Crusade "Get Awesome"

IAR #14
The Popsters "Two Minutes"

IAR #13
The Manges "Go Down"

IAR #12
The Copyrights "Mutiny Pop"

IAR #11
Retarded "Gambling On Rock"

IAR #10
The Badamps "Two Face"

IAR #09
The Copyrights / Zatopeks "Handclaps & Bottlecaps"

IAR #08
The Apers / Sonic Dolls "Split"

IAR #07
The Zatopeks "Smile Or Move"

IAR #06
The Popsters "The Scene"

IAR #05
The Varsity Weirdos "Fly Me Up To The Moon"

IAR #04
Kitty & The Manges "Joey's Song"

IAR #03
The Copyrights "Nowhere Near Chicago"

IAR #02
Prototipes / Teenage Bottlerocket "Split"

IAR #01
The Copyrights "Button Smasher"
